Show News

FIFE European Maine Coon Winner Show (DK) 17+18.06.17
Back from a wonderful trip to Denmark, with so much joy and pride!
Butterflydust Scarlett:
Saturday (standard FIFe show ): CACS, BIV TOTAL, NOM, Best In Show
Sunday (FIFe European Maine Coon Championship): CACS, BIV , NOM, Best In Show!!
Mona Lisa d'Eden Coonie:
Saturday (standard FIFe show ): Ex 1, NOM, Best In Show (4/7 Kitten)
Sunday (FIFe European Maine Coon Championship): Ex 1, NOM, Best In Show!! (4/7 Kitten female)
Wow! We are proud of our 2 girls, especially from our own breed baby girl, and we are back with so many gifts! Top organisation by club JYRAK and the Danish Maine Coon Club .

FIFE North Sea Winner Show Kortrijk (BE) 04+05.03.17
After more than a 10 months break we showed our
BE* Like a Dark Knight d'Eden Coonie,
our youngster, and we were so proud of him and his behaviour as open male
Not enough cats for BIV
And.. got the

The winner was a NFO already MW last weekend

FIFE International cat show Ratingen (DE) 04+05.06.16
Back from FIFe show Ratingen (DE) where we showed our 2 "baby" boys... In a super hot hall with a special kittens... So hard competition!
Like a Dark Knight d'Eden Coonie
Day 1: Ex 2 over 2
Day 2: Ex 1 over 2 and BIV
Like a Legend d'Eden Coonie
Day 1: Ex 1, BIV Total Nom and Best in Show !!!!
Day 2: Ex 1

FIFE International Cat show Dinan 30.04.16+01.05.16
Day 1 : CACS - BIV Total - NOM - Best in Show
Day 2: CACS - BIV Total - NOM - 2:2 votes with NFO - lost by lotery
Day 1: Ex 1 - lost BIV to mummy - lost NOM to NEM
Day 2: Ex 1 - lost BIV to mummy - NOM - Best in Show !!
So proud of my red ladykiller
Day 1: Ex 1 (over 2) - BIV Total - NOM - Best in Show all votes - Best Junior all categories - BOB4
Day 2: Ex 1 (over 2) - BIV Total - NOM - Best in Show all votes (on sunday the kitten and junior were not included in the Best of the best competition)
She becomes Junior Winner !!!!
So again... How proud can we be for the 3 of them...

FIFE North Sea winner show (Schiedam) 23+24.04.16
Scarlett: CACS
Legend: Ex1 + BIV + NOM !!
Never: Ex1 + BIV TOTAL + NOM...

FIFE International Cat Show Paris Champerret 16+17.04.16
Amazing results of our girl Never at special Maine Coon on saturday:
BIV (in a group of 7!!! Junior 7-10 brown )
Best in Show!
Best of Best Maine Coon all categories!!! 1st Maine Coon of the show, wow!
Sunday: Ex1
Anyway I'm so proud of my girl!!! Many thanks to all breeders for their nice comments about her, you can be proud Tamara !!

FIFE International Cat Show Nieuwegein 27+28.03.16
Quite a big show (11 judges!) a lot of competition.
Super location and organisation from Mundikat as always
Never: Ex 1
Legend: Ex 1 - NOM BIS - 2 votes on 5!
Day 2:
Never: Ex 1 - BIV T - NOM BIS - 2 votes on 5!
Legend: Ex 1 - BIV - NOM BIS - 1 vote on 5
No luck again but it was close ...I'm so proud of my babies. Again Legend got a nice song from his judges about his size and his " killer look"
Especially the second day where he got the BIV against a female adult (later BOB1..) and another kitten, and where he had 3 competitors for the Nom

FIFE International Cat Show Porcheville 19+20.03.16
Day 1:
Knight- Ex2
Legend - Ex1
Never - Ex1 - NOM
Scarlett: CAGCIB - NOM - Best in Show (all votes) - Best Adult category II - BOB 2
Day 2:
Knight- Ex1
Legend - Ex1
Never - Ex1 - NOM
Scarlett: CAGCIB - BIV - NOM - Best in Show (all votes) - Best Adult category II (all votes) - BOB 2
Never had no luck again, not enough cats for BIV and lost BIS to great JW NFO.
Finally my queen Scarletti... Even if not in top condition, great results! And I can now tell Scarletti's name is longer again: she is DVM !!!

FIFE International Cat Show Zoetermeer 06+07.02.16
Our little girl did super!!
On both days she got:
Ex 1
Lost BIV against an adult female with super top coat condition (but was 2nd choice of the judge anyway... before all adult males!!)
BIS on Saturday with 4/5 votes and on Sunday 4/4 votes!!
Super proud of my baby girl!
Great weekend on a super shopping place, with a looooot of visitors and on the top of that, a visit of our friends <3

FIFE International Cat Show Nieuw Vennep 10.01.16
Special MCO
Cosmic Blue: CAC + Nom. BIS
She becomes FIFE Champion!
Never: Ex 1 + BIV Total + Nom. BIS
Our first show 2016, let's go for more!

FIFE International Cat Show Zedelgem (BE) 29 & 30.11.14
Organized by Felis Belgica
Saturday - MCO Special
Heybrook: CAGCIB
Scarlett: CACIB (She becomes IC ) + BIV Total + Nom. + BIS all votes + BOB all votes!!
Heybrook: CAGCIB + Nom.
Scarlett: CAGCIB + Nom. + BIS all votes
Super organisation, super moment together with My friends, and Thank you all again for your nice words
And special Thanks to My club for the flowers, they are very proud with our belgian WW
FIFE Show Schiedam (NL) 14.09.14
Heybrook: CAGCIB
Note of the judge: she needs diet haha
Scarlett: 1st CACIB - BIV Total - NOM - Best in Show (all votes) !!!!!!! At only 16 months
I'm so proud of my girls!
Thanks all for your support today !!

FIFE Show Untergruppenbach (DE) 08-09.02.14
Heybrook de l'Eden Coonie : CACIB + Nom. Best in Show
She becomes Fife International Champion!
Butterflydust Scarlett : Ex1(over 2) + BIV + Nom. Best in Show + Best in Show!!
Heybrook de l'Eden Coonie : CAGCIB
Butterflydust Scarlett : Ex1(over 3) + BIV + Nom. Best in Show + Best in Show!!